Usage of weak password constraint


Weak password constraints can compromise system security. Ensure that your application's password policy enforces a minimum length of 8 characters during password creation or update processes.


  • Do enforce a minimum password length of at least 8 characters. This helps in creating stronger passwords that are more resistant to brute-force attacks.
    validates :password, presence: true, length: { minimum: 8, maximum: 255 }
  • Do implement this validation at the model level in your application to ensure that all passwords meet the minimum length requirement.


Associated CWE

OWASP Top 10


To skip this rule during a scan, use the following flag

bearer scan /path/to/your-project/ --skip-rule=ruby_rails_password_length

To run only this rule during a scan, use the following flag

bearer scan /path/to/your-project/ --only-rule=ruby_rails_password_length