Run a data flow report

Bearer CLI's data flow report type provides additional details about the underlying detections and classifications Bearer CLI makes during a scan. It's a good next step if you need more details than the security report offers.

The data flow report is made up of four sections:

  • Data types: For any data type Bearer detects, the report will display their categories, each instance within the codebase, and associated model and field information if available.
  • Risks: For languages that support security report rules, the report will include a risks section with information about any findings and their associated location within the codebase.
  • Components: Resources such as internal data stores, cloud data stores, and third party APIs are displayed alongside their detection location.
  • Dependencies: A list of dependencies detected in package managers, along with their linked version.

Getting started

If you haven't already, install Bearer CLI using the instructions on the installation page or the quick start.

To run your first data flow report, navigate to the project root and use the bearer scan command with the --report dataflow flag:

bearer scan . --report dataflow

Data flow report output

To get a better sense of what's included in the report, lets look at the output from the juice-shop example project. If you're following along, run the following command.

bearer scan . --report dataflow

If you have jq installed, it can format the output for your to make it easier to browse.

bearer scan . --report dataflow | jq

Below is an excerpt of the data_types portion of the data flow report. It includes the Email address data type with specifics on where Bearer CLI detected it.

"data_types": [
"category_name": "Contact",
"category_groups": ["PII", "Personal Data"],
"name": "Email Address",
"detectors": [
"name": "typescript",
"locations": [
"filename": "data/types.ts",
"full_filename": "data/types.ts",
"start_line_number": 22,
"start_column_number": 3,
"end_column_number": 8,
"field_name": "email",
"object_name": "User",
"subject_name": "User"

Next, if the codebase supports rules, the report includes risk information based on rule findings. It includes the rule id (detector_id), details about the code location, and the content that triggered the rule.

"risks": [
"detector_id": "javascript_express_exposed_dir_listing",
"locations": [
"full_filename": "data/static/codefixes/accessLogDisclosureChallenge_1_correct.ts",
"filename": "data/static/codefixes/accessLogDisclosureChallenge_1_correct.ts",
"start_line_number": 2,
"start_column_number": 3,
"end_line_number": 2,
"end_column_number": 76,
"source": {
"start_line_number": 2,
"start_column_number": 3,
"end_line_number": 2,
"end_column_number": 76,
"content": "app.use('/ftp', serveIndexMiddleware, serveIndex('ftp', { icons: true }))"
"presence_matches": [
"name": "app.use($\u003c...\u003eserveIndex()$\u003c...\u003e)\n"

Next, the components section contains third party services and local or external datastores. Below, we can see that the project uses an AWS API. Bearer CLI detected it in a configuration file within the codebase.

"components": [
"name": "Amazon AWS APIs",
"type": "external_service",
"sub_type": "third_party",
"locations": [
"detector": "yaml_config",
"full_filename": "config/oss.yml",
"filename": "config/oss.yml",
"line_number": 36
// ...

Finally, the dependencies portion analyzes package details for each language and collects details about a project's installed dependencies.

"dependencies": [
"name": "@angular-devkit/build-angular",
"version": "15.0.4",
"filename": "frontend/package.json",
"detector": "package-json"
// ...

Write the report to a file

You may find the need to write the data flow report to a file for parsing or consumption by other tools. Use the --output flag to write the report to a local path.

bearer scan . --report dataflow --output output/path/data-flow-report.json

Next steps

For more ways to make the most of our Bearer CLI, see our guide on configuring the scan and the commands reference. Need additional help? Open an issue or join our Discord community.