Unsanitized user input in XML parsing method


Unsanitized user input in XML parsing can lead to XML External Entity (XXE) injection. This vulnerability occurs when XML input containing a reference to an external entity is processed by an XML parser. The external entity can point to a file URI or network resource, potentially allowing an attacker to access sensitive data or interact with internal systems.


  • Do not parse XML input containing untrusted data without proper sanitization. External entities within the XML should be treated with caution.
    var libxml = require("libxmljs");
    libxml.parseXmlString(xml, { noent: false, noblanks: true });
  • Do not enable the parsing of external entities in XML parsers. For instance, when using LibXML, ensure the noent option is set to false to prevent XXE attacks.


Associated CWE

OWASP Top 10


To skip this rule during a scan, use the following flag

bearer scan /path/to/your-project/ --skip-rule=javascript_express_xml_external_entity_vulnerability

To run only this rule during a scan, use the following flag

bearer scan /path/to/your-project/ --only-rule=javascript_express_xml_external_entity_vulnerability