Add or update a recipe

Recipes are part of how Bearer CLI makes connections between your code and other sources. These are things like data stores, APIs, and internal services. They work by providing information about endpoints, API base urls, package information, etc.

Recipes are located at bearer/pkg/classification/db/recipes/.

├ pkg/
│  └ classification/
│       └  db/
│           └  recipes/

Each recipe consists of a JSON file containing the following properties:

  • metadata (object): Metadata about the recipe itself. Used for tracking recipe versions. Ex: "metadata": { "version": "1.0" }.
  • name (string): The name of the recipe.
  • type (string): The recipe type. Supported types are external_service, internal_service, and data_store.
  • urls (array of strings): URLs used by the service. Bearer CLI will use this to aid in finding connections within a codebase. Supports wildcards.
  • exclude_urls (array of strings): Any urls that would be caught by the wildcards in the urls list that you'd like to explicitly exclude.
  • packages (array of objects): Common packages that connect to the service. Each package object should contain:
    • name (string): The official name of the package used by package managers.
    • group (string): For Java applications (e.g., maven). Set to null for other use cases.
    • package_manager (string): The package manager that manages the package, such as npm, go, etc.
  • uuid: A unique identifier to distinguish the recipe from others. See below for generating a new uuid.
  • sub_type (string): The subtype of the earlier type property.
    • external_service subtypes:
      • third_party
    • data_store subtypes:
      • database
      • datalake
      • object_storage
      • search_engine
      • key_value_cache
      • flat_file
      • shared_folders
    • internal_service subtypes:
      • message_bus

If any of the existing properties and available values don't meet the needs of your new recipe, open a new issue. You can view the existing recipes in the GitHub repo.

Generating a UUID

Recipes each contain a universally unique identifier (UUID). To generate one, use the uuidgen tool.

On linux:


On MacOS, you need to force the output to lowercase:

uuidgen | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"

Commiting the new recipe

To contribute the new recipe to Bearer CLI, refer to the Contributing Code guide.